Password Policy
- Minimum password length is 8 characters.
- Previous 24 passwords are remembered and ineligible for use.
- Passwords expire every 365 days.
- Passwords are case sensitive.
- Passwords cannot match any part of the user’s LSC-O Net ID.
- Passwords cannot match any part of the user’s full name.
- Passwords must contain 3 out of 4 of the following characters:
- At least 1 uppercase character.
- At least 1 lowercase character.
- At least 1 numeric character.
- At least 1 special character such as: !@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[]`~
Password Examples:
Street Address: CountryRoad433 (Uppercase, Lowercase, and Number)
Friends Name: Suzy$2004 (Lowercase, Symbol, and Number)