Username/Password Maintenance: LSCO users can use the Username/Password Maintenance application to set their password.
LSCO students will login using the following format: (Faculty and Staff need to use to log in.)
These credentials are used to access the online course materials in the Blackboard system, Microsoft 365 (email and other resources), and to access campus PC’s, the campus network, and licensed digital library resources.
Password Policy
All passwords must adhere to Lamar State College Orange's Password Policy.
Campus ID/PIN
Students receive their Campus ID with their letter of acceptance to Lamar State College Orange as well as when meeting with an advisor. Students may also contact the office of Admissions and Records at (409) 882-3923 to obtain their Campus ID.
Campus ID and PIN are used to access self-service banner (registrations, grades, etc.), mobile app (grades, notifications, personal class schedule etc.), and Touchnet payment system.