Workforce & Continuing Education Scholarships

LSCO's Workforce & Continuing Education scholarships can cut tuition costs in half for qualifying students. Our non-credit workforce programs get you trained and ready for better career opportunities - whether you're just starting out, looking to move up at work, or adding new skills to your resume. 

This scholarship is open to current and prospective students of Lamar State College Orange (LSCO).

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Scholarship Eligibility & Criteria Policies

Scholarship funds are intended for use towards training programs and courses offered through LSCO Workforce and Continuing Education Programs (WACEP).  All courses are listed on the LSCO website, workforce page.  These funds are available to all workforce students who need financial assistance, and to advance the LSCO Mission of transforming lives and communities through the continual pursuit of academic, professional, and personal excellence.

 Scholarship funds will help students gain knowledge and skills while increasing employment opportunities in high paying jobs. 

  • Applicants can receive one scholarship award per calendar year.
  • Applications can be submitted to the WACEP department anytime during the calendar year until funds are depleted.
  • Applicants must submit a statement of need explaining why they are requesting scholarship funding; applicant scoring for selection will be based this on submission.
  • Application is available on the LSCO Workforce Website (insert link)
  • Approved recipients of scholarship funds are eligible for a 50 percent reduction of course tuition fees.

A digital application is available on the LSCO Workforce web page, to include the following:

In 500 words or less, please describe why you are seeking scholarship funds, to include:

  • Financial or Other Hardships
  • Career or Personal Challenges
  • Career Goals – what is your plan after you complete your funded course?
  • Applicant award selection is made by the LSCO Workforce Scholarship Committee.
  • Applications will be reviewed in order of dated arrival.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered for award selection.
  • Scholarship recipients will receive an award letter by the WACEP department with instructions on next steps.
  • Scholarship recipients may be requested to complete a scholarship survey.

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