Pressler Awarded PTK Recognition

October 18, 2019

PTK Award Presslar

LSCO’s Elizabeth Pressler was recognized today for earning a prestigious award from the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

Elizabeth, the advisor for the Alpha Nu Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, successfully completed all five levels of the Five Star Advisor Plan, a self-guided online curriculum developed to better support the PTK members.

Elizabeth has been the advisor for the honor society for three years. The PTK advisor serves as the chapter’s caregiver, advocate, sustainer, and leader.

PTK Members posing with Pressler

In her letter to LSCO President, Dr. Thomas Johnson, the President and CEO of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner, wrote that she appreciated the time Elizabeth invested in learning how to increase her effectiveness to build a stronger chapter that supports the students on the LSCO campus.

Dr. Tincher-Ladner added that PTK has an army of dedicated chapter advisors who work on community college campuses across the country to carry out the mission of the organization.

Elizabeth will be recognized at the PTK annual convention, PTK Catalyst 2020.

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