LSCO Court Reporting Student Earns National Recognition

February 27, 2025

Baylee Richards, court reporting student

Lamar State College Orange (LSCO) Court Reporting student Baylee Richards was recently recognized by the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) in the Journal of Court Reporting (JCR). The NCRA is an internationally recognized association helping over 12,000 members fulfill their potential in the court reporting profession. The JCR has many forms of publication that keep members informed on the recent developments in court reporting. 

Richards received a scholarship to attend the NCRA Conference in the summer of 2024. There, she found encouragement from those currently working as reporters and relatability from current students.

“The NCRA conference was a great time,” Richards said. “I learned a lot about the field of court reporting, made new friends, and received so much encouragement from working reporters. There is such a need for court reporters right now. Anyone and everyone I met was thrilled to see students joining this field.”

Pursuing a career in court reporting is a dream for Richards made possible by LSCO. She took a leap of faith to chase after this aspiration and enroll in classes when the Court Reporting Program was established. Up until that point, she had no possible window of opportunity to follow down this path.&

“My decision to pursue an education in court reporting was a big decision,” Richards said. “I already had a bachelor's degree, I was working in a career, I was married, and I had just welcomed my first baby into our family. Court reporting was always a dream. My best friend's mom was a reporter, and her career was always fascinating to me. There had never been a program close to home, and when the opportunity came, I felt that it was time to turn this dream into a reality.”

Program Director Cristy Smith has been an anchor for Richards as she has navigated this new journey. Smith’s determination to see the program thrive has inspired Richards and her classmates to strive for success in their courses. Having peers to lean on in the midst of embarking on a unique path has been instrumental in shaping her experience.

“My program director is the reason this program is thriving,” Richards said. “She has poured her heart and soul into this program, and she has built it from the ground up. The students in the program feel that energy and they are motivated to help other students complete this program as well. I have made some incredible friendships, and I have met people that are like-minded that have encouraged me every day both inside and outside of this program.”

Read the JCR Student Spotlight story about Richards.

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