Court Reporting Equipment
- Writer with Realtime Capability (Luminex Student CSE, Wave, Diamante, for example):
- Must get writer with a wide asterisk key, which goes wide to the right
- Must have a wide final DZ key, which goes wide to the left
- Real-time cable
- Laptop
- Must use a Windows operating system. (Chromebook, Apple/Mac or netbook computers are not acceptable.)
- Should have at least one USB port, 8GB or more of RAM, at least 256 BG SSD drive, and a 2.0+ GHz processor
- Microsoft Office and PDF reader required
- Software
- Stenograph's Case Catalyst Student Software & Realtime Coach (included in tuition)
- Case Catalyst by Stenograph (not included in Tuition)
- Books
- StenEd Realtime Theory Book, latest version
- Bad Grammer/Good Punctuation (testbook and workbook) by Margie Wakeman Wells
- Learning to Use Case Catalyst, latest version, by Kathryn Dittmeier
- Legal Terminology and Usage for Court Reporters, Second Edition (Revised) by Ted H. Gordon, J.D., M.B.A.
- Medical Terminology, a Short Course, 9th Edition, by Davi-Ellen Chabner
These books are part of the Gator Book Pack for the individual courses, but some may not be required to be returned at the end of the semester.